A well-researched and insightful book that attempts the daunting task of analyzing the Russian approach to hybrid warfare. The book is a valuable resource for strategists, military professionals, and a wonderful introduction for novices to the subject. The book quickly traces the last 200 years of Russian military history and then focuses heavily on the last 15 years of military interventions to support his argument that hybrid warfare is the Russian way of war. Through specific case studies the author expertly argues that hybrid warfare is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of the long-standing Russian tradition of using unconventional means to achieve strategic objectives. The author provides a detailed analysis of Russian military doctrine and the role of hybrid warfare in Russia’s geopolitical strategy. My only recommendation would have been a discussion on what role the author believes that philosophical movements have had in driving Russian strategic actions since the 1990s as embodied in Alexnader Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics, but in such a monumental effort already leaving that discussion out is quite understandable. The strengths of the book are its detailed discussions of Russian military actions on the operational and tactical level within the Georgian and Ukranian conflicts, the approachable writing style for both military experts and those new to the subject, and its extensive glossary of military terms. Overall, Hybrid Warfare: The Russian Approach to Strategic Competition & Conventional Military Conflict is an excellent book that provides a comprehensive analysis of the Russian approach to hybrid warfare. I highly recommend it!
Raymond a Hrinko
As an avid military historian I appreciated both the historical context and background while leaning forward to the issues faced today. Well written piece that anyone who has an interest in current affairs in eastern Europe would enjoy reading Looking forward to the authors next book
John A.